November 2024: Donor meeting 2024. Presentation of results by Deepak and Yogendra
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In November 28th the Karuna Foundation NL organized a “Donor Day” for 15 donors to present the progress and results of the implementation of DPRP in Koshi Province Nepal. The two directors from Nepal: Deepak and Yogendra gave a presentation on three topics: 1) the progress and results of DPRP phase 1; 2) the progress, results, and challenges in the implementation of DPRP 2.0 and 3) options for scaling to new provinces.
Juli 2024: implementation of the DPRP in all municipalities of Koshi Province.
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In mid-July 2024, the Koshi province and 30 remaining municipalities started the implementation of DPRP 2.0 with support from Karuna Foundation Nepal. Now the program is implemented in all 137 municipalities of the Koshi province.
Nieuwsbrief voorjaar 2024
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nieuwsbrief voorjaar 2024