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So far Karuna Foundation has created 36 blog entries.

Donor meeting November 2024. Presentation of results by Deepak and Yogendra

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In November 28th the Karuna Foundation NL organized a “Donor Day”  for 15 donors to present the progress and results of the implementation of DPRP in Koshi Province Nepal. The two directors from Nepal:  Deepak and Yogendra gave a presentation on three topics: 1) the progress and results of DPRP phase 1; 2) the progress, results, and challenges in the implementation of DPRP 2.0 and 3) options for scaling to new provinces.

Funding Commitment for DPRP 2.0 from the Government of Nepal  

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After extensive discussion by our directors in Nepal with the government in Koshi Province, the Nepalese budget for DPRP2.0 in the next fiscal year (starting July 15th) has been officially allocated for an amount of €730.000. Also, meetings are held in the 4 districts where the program will start with  mayors of the 34 new municipalities, who all seemed positive to adopt the program and allocate the budget.

Start of DPRP 2.0 in Koshi Province

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Over the past few months, intensive discussions have been held with the Karuna Nepal team on the envisaged second phase of the Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Program (DPRP). The aim of these talks was to take the step towards roll-out and sustainability so that in the future all Nepalese children with disabilities are assured of care, rehabilitation, education, and social inclusion

Visit of directors Karuna Foundation Nepal

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Visit of directors Karuna Foundation NepalThe two directors of Karuna Foundation Nepal; Deepak and Yogendra, have paid a successful visit to the Netherlands in September 2022 to share the progress, results, lessons learned,

Towards a modified Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Program (DPRP 2.0).

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The original DPRP had a phasing, implementing the program first in one half of Province 1, followed by replication in the other half. This scenario was updated in 2022 for a  number of reasons. The Covid-19 pandemic struck Nepal in 2020 and 2021. This led to a delay in the first phase, which will now be completed in 2024. This created time to experiment with adapted approaches and to look closely at the lessons, which could be learned in this first phase

Renewed financial and political commitment from the government in Nepal

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Renewed financial and political commitment from the government in Nepal.After the local elections in May around 70% of the mayors in the 58 municipalities have been replaced by newly elected mayors. The big question for us was how this would impact the political support and implementation of the DPRP.

Karuna Foundation received the EVPA CoLab Award

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Karuna Foundation received the EVPA CoLab Award on November 2021. This award acknowledges system change leaders in the EVPA community and gives broad visibility to remarkable collaboration and system change practices. “During and prior to the pandemic many investors for impact have applied innovative approaches and partnership strategies that have the potential to transform the way in which deeply rooted problems are tackled.

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